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"They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him." Psalm 126:5&6 "The sower soweth the word" Mark 4:14" SownSeed is a website designed to help you in your walk of life! Words of encouragement, guidance, faith and hope- all to help you with your lifestyle and daily living. SownSeed shares with you a message of Faith and Hope for now and for your future!
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Notice how this older woman is gazing back at the life that she is leaving...then passes through the veil of death into the open arms of the Savior! The "Come Unto Me" bronze sculpture took more than a year to make its first appearance. Unveiled in 2000, the original life-sized bronze monument stands in the grand foyer of the Spilsbury Mortuary in St. George Utah. It has become a scenic attraction, in addition to a comfort to countless families at a most tender time of their lives. It portrays the spiritual journey from mortality to immortality for the believer in Christ: an aged woman's body, returning to its prime, and back to the arms of our Savior!
"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 DID YOU KNOW?: When David penned these words recorded in God's word, the Bible, they did not have flashlights. They had only oil lamps. These lamps were very small, made of pottery, filled with oil and a wick. The lamps David is talking about would fit in the palm of a man's hand. Held in the hand they were useless to see the ground. People would take two lamps, tie one to each foot and then walk in the light of the lamps! Each lamp, with a small light, gave just enough light for each step! That is the literal interpretation of this verse. There is however a deeper spiritual and personal application! The earthen pottery vessel is a type of our earthly bodies. Without oil (the Holy Spirit) and the wick light of God's Holy Word (the Bible), we cannot see to take even one step into the darkness of the future. BUT! When our earthen vessels are filled with and by God the Holy Spirit- Who alone interprets the lighted wick of God's Holy and Living Word the Bible- then we have "light" to take a step safely into the future! Just enough light to take one step at a time safely and surely. If we could see everything in our future, we would not venture out in that darkness! However, God in His grace gives believers just enough light to see safely one step at a time into their futures. This way we only receive the hard things of life one step at a time! When believers walk in the light of God's word, then others affected by their lives can follow God by following their lights and emulating their footsteps. Oh God- Give us the light of Your word that our light may help others who are still in the darkness! In Jesus' Name we pray, amen! "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path" Visit our Sister Site by clicking the link below: FREE BIBLE SOFTWARE!!!
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Jesus Christ- God in flesh- said these words "Verily, Verily, I say unto you, Except a grain of wheat fall into the earth and die, it abideth by itself alone; but if it die, it beareth much fruit." John 12:24. Many people seek to live life to themselves and are alone- not concerned about others except to use them. We have been given only one life to live- a seed if you will. If we die to ourselves and yield our lives to God - that is, yield our seed of life to Him through His Son, Jesus Christ- then we can enjoy a fruitful and meaningful life ourselves, but also find fruitfulness in being grown by God into the best life we can have!
The Parable of the Sower, the Seed and the Soils Jesus Christ - the Messiah- often spoke to people in parables concerning spiritual truths. Learn about The Parable of the Sower, the Seed and the soils. Brokenness- The condition of power! God does not need our strength in any area in order to use us. He is not interested in our Ability- only in our Availability! Spiritual work is not performed with tools of the flesh; rather, spiritual work is performed by the Empowerment of the Holy Spirit of God working in spite of fleshly vessels. Learn about Brokenness- The condition of power! Do the work of an Evangelist An evanglist is a person who "tells forth" the Evangel- the GOOD NEWS- that Jesus Christ the Son of God- the Messiah- has come and provided eternal salvation for any and all who will believe! Learn about Do the work of an Evangelist. Practical Christian Living! Many people today don't know how to live for God in this world. Learn about Practical Christian Living! The Unity of the Spirit Many churches are plagued with division and troubles- they have lost The Unity of the Spirit that God has provided! Learn about The Unity of the Spirit!
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